Nigeria gained independence from Britain on
October 1/1960 and was declared a republic on first (1st) October
1963, and inherited the constitution and west parliamentary system of government
from the British colonialist, with ceremonial president in the person of Dr.
Nnamdi Azikiwe, (from the NCNC) and Abubakar Tafawa Balewa was made the prime
minister from the NPC political party from October 1, 1963 to January 16th
1966. During the first republic Nigeria was split into three geopolitical
regions, which are the western region, eastern region, and Northern region, the
political parties operated on the identities of each region, and the NPC party
was the Northern people’s party which represented the interest of Hausa/Fulani
who were predominantly in the Northern region. This brought about the ethnic and
religious tensions over economic and educational development between the
western and the northern regions. The AG was maneuvered out of control of the
Western Region by the Federal Government and a new pro-government Yoruba party,
the Nigerian National
Democratic Party (NNDP), took
over. And letter imprisoned the opposition leader of AG chief Obafemi Awolowo.(
Nnoli 1996).
According to Ezenwa (1987) one of the
political events of the first republic was the military intervention, takeover
into political affairs and civil war in the country within the period of 1966
and 1979. National rivalries and ethnic sentiments reflected in the national
politics led to a military intervention in January 1966. Tafawa Balewa’s
government was overthrown by junior army officers notably Igbo’s. Mostly the
northern and western prominent personnel’s such as Sir Ahmadu Bello who was the
Prime Minister of the Northern Region, Chief Akintola, the Prime Minister of
the Western Region and Chief Festus Okotie-Eboh, the federal finance minister
were killed in the coup d’état. And this prompted the massacres of the Igbo’s living
in the Northern Nigeria. This paper tends to explain what military is, what military
intervention is all about and how Nigeria as a political entity can prevents future
military interventions in her political system.
A military is an organization
authorized by its greater society to use lethal force, usually includes use of
weapons, in defending its country by combating actual or perceived threats
against the state. The military may have additional functions of use to its
greater society, such as advancing a political agenda e.g. communism during
cold war era, supporting or promoting economic expansion through imperialism,
and as a form of internal social control.
Before the infamous
military incursion into governance in Nigerian politics, life was good and
expectation for a better and greater nation was high. The military intervention
into Nigerian politics is an invention introduced by the military coup of 1966.
There are many inventions that were originally created by the military but are
now used by civilians. Military
intervention has two categories at which it occurs, which are internal and
external, The internal
causes of military interventions are corruption in the army, political patronage
in promotions, low pay; and poor
medical/health services. There are also external factors that cause military
interventions in politics. They are; corruption of civilian government,
incompetent leaders in the administration, failure of the administration to
deliver basic services, widespread poverty, and electoral fraud by ambitious
Military intervention is an act made
by active members of the military heads, outside the conventions of the
military institution with the aim of disrupting the political status quo, in
the pursuit of their political interest. There are two schools of thought on
why the military intervene in politics; they are S.E Finer and Samuel P.
Huntington who argues that coup de’ta is likely to occur in a state lacking institutional
political culture and which surfer economic hardship and social division. The
second school of thought concentrates on the organization and character of
nation. Huntington and Finer argue that
the military need right social political in disorder to seize power. Some of
these factors could be said to have lead military intervention in Nigeria
Many reasons have been adduced to justify military
intervention in the politics of third world countries it is the opinion of some
scholars that this is due to external factor. That is, the societal and
structural weaknesses, institutional fragility, systematic flaws and low level
of political culture which act as a sort of magnet to pull the armed forces
into the power and legitimacy vacuum. The reasons for military interventions in
Nigeria politics are as varied as they are in complexity. They range from personal
grievances of civilian regimes to the political and economic sabotage of
civilian government. Many scholars have presented various suggestions and
arguments on ways of keeping the arm force out of politics including overcoming
coups in Nigeria politics. However, the futility of such legislation cannot be
overemphasized. Here, are some ways by which the military may be kept out of

For this country to fully eradicate
military involvement in her policy, the civilian leaders should fashion a good
political structure for good governance. On the other hands some scholars
perceive military rule as a corrective regime that stimulates changes for
national unity and development, opposing perspective see the military officers
as greed and selfish persons seeking to grab political power for the purpose to
amass wealth through intimidation and oppressive rule. To this group of people,
the military has no business in governance and cannot facilitate national
development and good governance.
Corruption is a basic problem every
civilian government has to fight in order to keep the soldiers out of politics.
We can observe that corruption among politician is one of the factors that has
lead various coup we have witness in Nigeria politics. Take for instance the
1985 coup of Babangida, duo it occur in a military regime of buhari. General B.
Babangida accused buhari lead administration of failing to revamp the nation economy
that has declined during the civilian lead administration of president Shehu
Shagari 1979-1983. Babangida also complained of massive fraud in the issuance of
import licenses and counter trade agreements. Corruption also came up as a
major reason of 1983 Buhari coup (ohwofasa: 2007) which the immediate causes
was the high level of corruption among public officers. The decision to try the
corrupt politicians was quite popular. The resultant imprisonment of many
because they did not steal but that duo process was not followed in dealing
with their cases. Just as the nation return to democratic rule in 1999, with
president Obasanjo who was a military head of state during Murtala Mohammed
regime. His government took some strides that left Nigeria anti-corruption
crusade unsurpassed. For one thing nobody expected obasanjo to muster the
courage to cast the first stone at corruption.
Shortly into new administration report started floating about some billions
of naira that was withdrawn from the central bank and was not accounted for. We
have had numerous cases. This is just to mention but a fill, because every
military intervention in a civilian government in this country has an element of
corruption. We have had numerous issue of economic sabotage
In this current republic, the case of
Ibori, Alamesya, Bankole etc. which anti-corruption agency could not conduct a
thorough investigation on. And the resent corruption probe rocking the NNPC and
the house of representative ($620,000 bribery of Farouk Lanwam).
The civilian government need to tackle the issue of corruption seriously
with all the various agency established such as the independent corrupt
practice commission (ICPC) and Economic and Financial crime commission (EFCC).
The agencies should be well equipped and trained and be given free hand to
carry out their functions diligently without any interference. Not what is
obtain now in the country, take a look at the case of Ibori. Ibori was sentence
to jail by a London court for same charges which he was tried and sent free in
this country. These goes a long way to show how corrupt a civilian rule is in
Nigeria. They should be well funded to prevent them being venerable to bribery
and corruption.
Outright condemnation of
military rule by all individuals/citizens, national bodies and international
organization will a long way in crabbing military takeover of government from
civilian rule. The international as the united nation (UN), African union (AU),
Economic Community of West Africa (ECOWAS) etc. should promulgate a law that
will prohibit military government and declare them nail-avoid. Also national
bodies and individuals should adjudicate for a democratic system of government
and protest against military rule especially in coup process. Take a look at
what is happening in Libya and Egypt were the interim military government try
delaying the conduct election but the actions interest nationals and citizen
has lead to them adopting a faster transition program.
Some writer has come to criticize the
un-engagement of the military personal on productive venture and cap it as one
of the reason why the site and plot coup. Cyril Ndoh (1997) argued that if
Gowon’s regime could last for nine years because of the pre-occupation of the
military in the execution of the war and reconstruction immediately after the
war, this shows that if the military is engaged in other activities during
peace time, they will not have the time to arrange a coup. Nigeria should try
to engage its soldiers in a productive activities such as agriculture,
technological development, education etc. this could help in reduction
activities of coup plotters our political system.
The issue of transparency and
accountability is another measure of keeping the military out of national
political system. If we study the previous military coup in the country we will
know that lack of transparent and accountable government contribute to the
factor by which those coups occur. The present civilian government especially
it agencies such as civil and public servant has the duty to operate a
transparent administration and be accountable to its citizen. The mass need to
know what goes on within system of power.
Balance fire power of police with the
military has been suggested as one way of reducing military coup the country. However,
in the estimation of many scholars, this consideration fall low down in the
hierarchy of reasons that inspire military intervention at any given time, and
that military coup will become a phenomenon of the past if and when the fire-power of the police and
military, which under present disposition weighs enormously in favour of
the Nigeria military is balanced.
The palpable futility of outlawing
coups has generated a number of suggestions towards keeping the military within
their barracks. It is suggested that one way a civilian government can prevent
intervention of the soldier is to increase allocation of resource to the arm
force for better pay and improved conditions of service for the rank and file
of the military, particularity those at the upper cadre. The junior officers
should not be neglected because they can also man over their superiors and plot
a coup de’ta.
A rather extremist position along
this viewpoint calls for the outright demilitarization of the country that is,
the Nigerian military should be disbanded particularly as Nigeria is relatively
free from belligerent neighbours. Switzerland, for example, has no standing
army and yet it is stable. This proposition, to all intent and purposes, is
worse than useless. Firstly, de-militarization in the twenty-first century is
grotesque. If done, the neighbouring countries with standing militaries would
take their turn to dismember the Nigerian nation. The activities of the
Cameroonian gendarmes, in the disputed bakasi area give fillip to this point.
Nigeria is bound to face formidable threat from rival countries like South
Africa, Libya etc. within the Africa sub-region. Nigerian need to embark on
nuclear capability among others to contend such imminent external aggressions
rather than proscribing its armed forces.
The two schools of thought on why the
military intervene in politics; that is the S.E Finer and Samuel P. Huntington have
given us a lip on the reason military intervention in politics which they
argues that “coup de’ta is likely to occur in a state lacking institutional
political culture and which surfer economic hardship and social division”. Nigeria
should try to tackle various political problems such as; corruption, low level
of economic development, ethnic sentiment, electoral fraud, and extreme politicization
of the military, internal crisis etc. facing her political system and provide
its citizen an avenue for the practice of true democracy. Government should
show good governance, accountability and transparent in carrying out their
functions. There should be the principle of rule of law and citizen on their
own part engage themselves in a meaningful venture that will benefit them and
the society at large.
v Akpeninor J. O (2007), Democracy
and Issues of Governance in African Politics (The Nigeria perspective),
Ibadan: Bookwright Nigeria publishers.
v Solomon O. A & Remi A. Nigeria
government and politics/ Element of politics (2010) Remi Anifowse & Francis Enemuo (eds), Lagos: Sam Iroanusi publication.
v Olunleye J.J (1985) military
leadership in Nigeria 1966-1979, Ibadan: university press.
A. Ugorji (1994) military interve
Thanks for the information
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Is religion a reason for military intervention in west Africa?
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