Friday 6 December 2013


Psychosexual development is a theory that however seeks to justify the claim that boys have a natural linking for their mothers and girls for their fathers, this theory was propounded by Sigmund freud, to him humans from birth has an instinct libido (sexual appetite), and this develops into five stages.
However for this purpose of these paper psychosexual development as a whole and the stages shall however be discussed in full.
Psychosexual development is a central element of the psychoanalytical sexual drive theory, that humans from birth posses an instinctinctual libido (sexual appetite) that develops in five stages, it should be noted however that tries here to use the psychosexual theory as an explanation for man,s appetite for sex, to him the libido is the organ actually responsible for this sexual urge /drive.
To freud the libido develops in five stage. Each stage  the oral, the anal , the phallic, the latent and the gentila stage is charterized by the erogenous zone, however this erogenous zone is a source of libidal drive. Freud however proposes that if the child experiences anxiety , thwarting his sexual appetite during libidinal or psychosexual development , this can function as a source of mental disorder.
Freud advanced a theory of personality development that centered on the effects of the sexual pleasure drive on the individual  psyche (mentality), at  particular point of sexual development , he claims that a sigle particulary body part is sensitive to sexual erotic stimulation, these erogenous zones are the mouth, the anus, and the gential region. The child’s libido centers on behavior affecting the primary erogenous zones of his age: he cannot focus on the primary errogeneous zone of the next stage without resolving the developmental conflict of the immediate one.

Sigmund freud observed that during the predictable stages of early childhood development, the childs behavior is oriented toward certain parts of the body e.g the mouth is oriented towards certain parts of his her body, the mouth during breast-feeding, the anus during toilet training. He however proposes that adult neurosis (functional mental disorder), often is rooted to childhood sexuality, therefore, neurotic adult behaviours were manifestations of childhood sexual fantasy desire . this because human beings are born “polymorphously prevrse” infants can derive e pleasure from any part of their bodies, and that socialization directs the instinctual libidinal drive into adult heterosexuality. Given the predictable timeline of cchildhood behavior.
TO freud sexual infantilism is a wat by which infants seeks to satisfy their libido (sexual drive) , the child might experience failiure (parental and societal disapproval) and thus might associate anxiety with the given erogenous zone. To avoid anxiety, the child becomes fixated, preoccupied with the psychological themes related to the erogenous zones in question which persist into adulthood, and underline the personality and psychopathology of the man or woman, as neurosis, hysteria, personality disorders. Sigmund however proposed libido development as a model of normal childhood sexual development wherein the child progresses through dive sexual  stages which are the oral stages,the anal stage, the phallic stage, the latent stage and the gentila stage , each stage however is a source o pleasure
The oral stage begins at childbirth , when the oral cavity is the primary focus of libidal energy. The child, of course preoccupies himself with nursing, the pleasure of sucking and accepting things into his mouth, The oral scharacter is frustrated at this satge, whose mother refused tonurse him on demand or who truncated nursing session early , is characterized by pessimism, envy , suspicision and sarcasm. The overindulged oral character , whose nursing urges were always and often excessively satisfied , is optimistic, gullible and is full of admiration for others around him. The stage culminates in the primary conflict of weaning, which both deprives the child sensory pleasures or nursing and of the psychological pleasure of being cared for, mothered , and held. The stage lasts approximately one and half years . however weaning is the key experience in infant oral stage of psycho sexual development, his or her first feeling of loss consequent to loosing the physical intimacy of fffeding at mother,s breast. Yet, weaning increases the infant self awareness that he or she does not control the environment, and thus learns of delayed gratification, which leads to the formation of the capacities for independence  ( AWAReneess of the limits of self) and trust. Yet, thwarting of the oral stage too much or too little gratification of  desire may lead to an oral satge , fixation characterized by passivity, gullibility, immaturity , unrealistic optimisnm, which is manifeated in manipulative personality consequent to ego malformation. In the case of too much gratification , the chid does not learn that he or she does not control the environment and that gratification is not always immediate.
At one and one half years, the child enters the anal stage, with the advent of toilet training comes the child’s obsession with the erogenous zone of the anus and with he retention of explusion of feces. This represents a classic conflict between  the id, which derives pleasure  from explusion of bodily wastes, and the ego and super ego, which represents the pratical and societal pressures to control the bodily functions. The child meets the conflict between the parent,s demand  and the child,s desires and physical capabilities in one of two ways : either he puts up a fight or he simply refuses to go. The child who wants to fight takes pleasure in excreating maliciously, perhaps just before or just after  being placed on the toilet. If the parents are too lienient and the child manages to derive pleasure and success from this explusion, it will result in the formation of an anal explusive character. This character is generally messy, disorganized, reckless, careless and defiant, conversely , a child may opt to retain feaces, thereby spitting his parents  while enjoying the pleasurable pressure of the built up feaces on his intestine. If this tactic succeds the child is over indulged
Also in this anal stage  the ego formation continueshere the ego plays the function of eliminsting bodily wastes, and handling related activities. The style of parenting influences the resolution of the ego conflict , which can either be gradual and psychologically traumatic. The manipulating excrement, hence has to cope with parental demands, the style of parenting influences thebresolution of the ego conflict.

The phallic stage is the setting for  greatest , most crucial sexual conflict in freud’s model development . in this stage , the child erogenous zone is the gential region. As the child becomes more interested in his gentials, and in the gentials of pthers, conflicy arises, the conflict , is labeled the Oedipus complex (the electra complex in women), involves the child’s unconscious desire to posses the opposite sexed parent and to eliminate the same-sexed one,.
In the young male, the oedipius conflict stems from his natural love for his mother which becomes sexual as his libidinal energy  transfers from  the anal region  to his gentials. Unfortunately  the boy, his father stands in the way of his love. The boy therefoe feels aggression and envious toward his rival , his father and also feels fear that the father will strike back at him.
However on the electra complex , freud was more vague . the complex has its roots in the little’s girls discovery that she, along with her own morthewr lacks the penis which her father and other men possesses. Her love for her father then becomes boyth  erotic and envious, as she yearns for a penis of her own. She comes to blame her mother for her perceived castration , and is struck by penis envy , the apparent counterpart to the boy’s castration anxiety. The resolution to the electra comple is  far leess clear cut than the resolution of the Oedipus complex is in males…… to freud the resolution comes later and is never truly complete. Just as the boy learned his sexual rpole , so the girls learn sher role  by identifying withb her mother in an attempt to possess her father vicariously. At the eventual resolution of the conflict the girl passes  into the latency period, though freud implies that she always remains slightly fixated at the phallic stage.

THIS STAGE SPANS FROM SIX years until puberty , wherein the child consolidates the character and habits he she developed at the three stages of earlier psychological and sexual sdevelopment. Whether or not  the child has successfully resolved the oedipal conflict, the instinctual drive of the id are inaccessible to the ego, because his or her defence mechanisms repressed them during the phallic stage.

IN the gential stage the  child energy once again  focuses on his gentials, interest s turns into hetero sexual relationships. The less energy the child has left invested in unresolved psychosexual  developments, the greater his capacity will be to develop normal relationship with the opposite sex, if, however, he remains fixated, particularly on the phallic stage , his develolment will be troubled as he struggles withn further repression and  defenses.
This stage also spans through puberty and adult life, and it usually reoccurening in the live of an adult man and woman.

A  usual criticism of the scientific validity of the Freudian psychology theory of human psycho sexual development has proven that Sigmund was actually fixated on humans sexuality, therefore, he favoured  defining human development  withna normative theory of psychological sexual development, hence it can be clearly put thst the five stages of sexual development in humans are however controversial to each other as they have no scientific validity and cannot be proven.


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