Friday 6 December 2013

poverty ans solutions

Poverty as most often than not been mistaken for inequality in recent times. The reason of poverty being persistent in the world today as however be linked by some economist as low level of socio-economical development and also some economist like john salmon attribute poverty to a number of causes which are also based on types.
However poverty is one of the most continuous issues in the world of politics and economy. Income inequality and redistribution goes  a long way in determining the standard of living in a particular contry. The need to for some redistribution from rich to poor is boadly accepted across the political spectrum. However for the purpose of this paper t, ways of cumbering poverty and its measurement shall be fully looked into.

According to the oxford dictionary online “poverty” can be said to be the state of being extremely poor or the state of being inferior in quality or insufficient amount. Poverty has often most than not been the issue of debate between politicians and government this is because poverty arises as a result of poor income  equality among individuals, however this income inequality arises as a result of unemployment and low level of economic development .
Mahamdi ghandi however stressed the fact the fact that poverty is the  worst form of violence and oppression , this he said in analyzing the economies of the world, hence he stressed the need for the redistribution of wealth , hence to him economist  and government should redistribute income from the rich to the poor, to him in analyzing  poverty in the world today economics however has a major role to play, however to john salmon (a renowed economist)..a country or a person can be classified as poor based on the poverty line of that individual or country he said thus…   Poverty line: this is defined as the cost of living standard level by which a person or a country is classified as poor
However in dealing and analyzing poverty and its measurement the types of poverty are however goin to be considered.
The low standard of living in the world today are however of different kinds and types , and they are as follows
This kind of poverty occurs when human beings live in a state of  deprivation due to hunger and lack of basic amenties, this kind of poverty can also be caused as a result of lack of access to basic human needs like food, social amenties (pipeborne waters, schools etc), health , shelter, etc, however this can of poverty is however a partial kind of poverty as the individuals in this state may have potentials of not being poor, but are held back by the state of deprivation they find themselves in.

This kind of poverty is however of the view that poverty is not absolute (that which occurs as a result of deprivation)  but that poverty is relative, hence poverty to a relativist is that which occurs as result of the position of the household or households involved. Hence relative poverty can however be measured in three ways, which are the REAL INCOME, INCOME AND DESPOSABLE INCOME.

This however means that poverty is persistant or long term, hence each causes of poverty are more permanent and therefore depends on a host of factors such as limited productivity revenues, lack of staffs for grateful employmnent , socio-political factors and cultural factors.

This however means that poverty is temporal or short termand the causes of this kind of poverty is based on factors such as structural or man-made diversities like war, environmental degartion , atructural changes made by policies reforms which always results to lots of unemployment.

This kind of povert is also called a dependant poverty, hence it depends on the geographical or regional  spread and incidence. It however involves urban and swallow/poverty, which is typified by the existent of gettos, slums and shabas in metropolies and cities and is characterized by environmental degradation, inadequate welfare services  and social degragation , percapital income and also over crowded accommodation. This kind of poverty is also known as locative/location poverty.

The political class or governments of the world sees little problems with poverty, infact it can be safe to say that poverty has an important function in the economy. Factor price differences are an essential part of a dynamic market economy. They are the price signals that encourage resources to move to sectors of the economy where demand is growing, and away from sectors where demand is declining.
However if the government interferes with this process by taxing high incomes and subsidizing low incomes, working people will not have the same incentives to gain better qualifications, to seek promotions , to do overtime or to move for better jobs. Similarly, owners of capital will not have the same incentives to invest.
Hence for poverty to be reduced, ut can however be done by encouraging greater factor mobility. If factor supply curves are more elastic (greater mobility), then any shift in demand will cause smaller changes in factor price and even in poverty, but the question however still remains how is mobility to be encouraged? However the answer to thjis , many peple say is to create a culture of self-help : where people are not too reliant on state support, where they will get on their bikes and look for higher income, however these can be countered due to the monopoly of power of unions to interefere in labour markets which has to be curtailed, the net effect of these two policies , they claim , would be to create a more competitive labour market which would help to reduce inequality as well as promoting economic growth.

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